‘Someone Like You’ (2001) Review

Someone Like You Synopsis: After being jilted by her boyfriend, a talk show talent scout writes a column on the relationship habits of men which gains her national fame.

Someone Like You
Starring: Ashley Judd, Hugh Jackman
Directed by: Tony Goldwyn
Written by: Elizabeth Chandler
Released: March 30, 2001
Runtime: 97 minutes
Rated: PG-13

Jane Goodall (Ashley Judd) is a production assistant for a popular daytime talk show hosted by Diane Roberts (Ellen Barkin). When she meets the new executive producer, Ray Brown (Greg Kinnear), the two are instantly smitten with one another. Despite Ray being in a three-year relationship, Ray and Jane begin a relationship of their own which leads to declarations of love and the desire to move in together.

But when things fall apart, Jane finds herself brokenhearted, forming a theory that men are like male cows who will mate with one cow but then want another newer cow. She and her best friend Liz (Marisa Tomei) publish Jane’s theory under a pseudonym, and the article becomes an instant sensation. While dealing with her theory’s sudden fame and lingering feelings for Ray, Jane becomes closer to Eddie (Hugh Jackman), a producer on the show known for his womanizing.

I read Animal Husbandry years and years ago, shortly before Someone Like You was released. Honestly, I don’t remember much about it except that the movie only retained the book’s basic premise. It’s a very loose adaptation. It’s also been a long time since I sat down and watched Someone Like You, but I enjoyed it enough to own it. Even watching it now, nearly 20 years later, I still enjoy it.

It’s a by-the-book rom-com, but that’s okay with it. It had enough heart and drama in the midst of the rom and the com that I found myself a bit misty-eyed during parts of it. (It could also be that COVID-19 is just that stressful, and I’m overly emotional about everything right now…)

Ashley Judd had some pretty decent chemistry with both Kinnear and Jackman, although, come on, who would choose Ray over Eddie? Jackman was jacked in this movie (see what I did there?!). I will say, after watching The Ugly Truth, I was a bit worried I would hate his character now – another womanizer sleeping through endless scores of beautiful women because of a broken heart – but his character wasn’t just about sex, and he wasn’t demeaning to women either. Eddie never hits on Jane or treats her poorly. He’s there for her when Ray hurts her again for what feels like the millionth time, showing he has a lot more depth than she’s given him credit for.

I enjoyed Jane’s creation of the cow theory, but I wish they had spent more time on Jane and Eddie’s budding friendship/relationship than her back and forth with Ray. Even Diane deserved to know what a cad Ray was.

And to be honest, Jane wasn’t completely innocent here. She went along with a relationship with Ray, knowing he had a girlfriend the entire time. They were essentially having an affair, but that’s never really touched on either. Jane goes on and on about having her heartbroken and crying over Ray, but she never seems to understand the pain she could have put Ray’s girlfriend through by being with him. Or maybe I’m reading too much into this movie.

Someone Like You is a very basic romantic comedy, although maybe one of the better ones from the 2000s. It doesn’t focus as much on the romantic angle as I would have liked, and the movie could have benefited from more of Jackman’s character, but it was still an enjoyable watch.

Watched: 03.30.2020
Notable Song: Someone Like You by Van Morrison
